Art in Gartneriet Kindergarten

'År og dag'. Artist: Hanne Tyrmi 2007/2008. Art consultants: Helga Bøe & Silje Sagfjæra.
Gartneriet kindergarten and auxiliary housing are built on the site of the old Larsen nursery gardens. The place has kept some of the character of the former nursery, with its enclosed courtyard where the sun shines through large glass surfaces. Here, the sculptor Hanne Tyrmi has been given a free hand under the glass roof. High up, far out of reach of children and adults alike, hangs a luxuriant tangle of sculptures of different shapes, sizes and colours. The 15 objects are all connected to different seasons of the year. All of the elements in the sculptures are made from knitted and twined aluminium wire and painted in different colours.
In addition to the hanging installation, the public art project consists of seven tableaux in several ‘peepboxes’ placed throughout the building. These installations are much smaller, measuring 50 x 50 x 50 cm, and are best observed close to. The tableaux are built into boxes installed into the walls and floors, and the children are able to look through a glass wall in each of the boxes and see everyday situations, such as cooking, washing, vacuuming, sleeping, and travelling. Figures and objects in the small installations are carved out of aluminium plates and painted. Inside the boxes the tableaux are illuminated.