Art in Nypvang Kindergarten

‘Dag’, ‘Natt’, ‘Labyrintmedaljonger’ & ’Asfalteventyr’. Artist: Yngvild Fagerheim 2009. Art consultants: Kari Elise Mobeck & Markus Lantto.
Yngvild Fagerheim is a ceramic artist who has literally made a lasting impression on Nypvang kindergarten. Inside the entrance gate, visible imprints in the tarmac have been made and, soon after, our search for both hares and foxes starts. Next to the imprint, the letter H has been made in the ground, followed by a picture of a ‘bunny’ (harepus), before the letter R can be spotted, announcing that the fox (rev) is lurking around. A fox tail shows the way around the corner. The yellow and white tracks lead on to an exciting expedition around the main building. Creeping stealthily, we also pass an owl sitting on a post, before the hunt ends inside two large cupboards, containing many things. When the cupboard doors are opened, the story about the hare and the fox continues with a multitude of ceramic pictures. The names of the various departments in the kindergarten formed the starting point for this rich and colourful art exhibition: Sola (The Sun), Månen (The Moon), Nordlyset (The Northern Lights), Stjerneskuddet (The Shooting Star), and Regnbuen (The Rainbow).