Art in Øvre Jakobsli Kindergarten

Artist: Tore Reisch. Title: ‘Pinus Pixel’ 2014. Art consultant: Kristin Sæterdal
Whereas many of the commissioned artworks in kindergartens are designed to be interactive, to let the children play with them and climb on them, Tore Reisch’s main contribution to Øvre Jakobsli Kindergarten is placed outside the play area, out of reach of the children. This artwork is primarily intended to be a visual experience, not just for people using the kindergarten, but also for people in the surrounding area. The large “tree”, which looks like it is made from computerised pixels – or from the children’s Lego bricks – stands facing the main road, outside the kindergarten’s buildings. Here, on the corner right by the entrance area, the “pixel pine” greets children, parents and staff every morning. The sculpture is a landmark for the kindergarten, and is a taster of the artist’s other works inside, both small-scale sculptures and drawings. Tore Reisch works at the workshop Lademoen Kunstnerverksteder, where he keeps ancient craft and traditional use of wood alive, in new and creative ways.