Art in Sildråpen Kindergarten

‘Livshjulet’, ‘Ymers arv’, ‘Flukt’, ‘Fantestreker’, ‘Kveldsrider’ & ‘Fossil’. Artist: Guttorm Nordø 2004. Art consultant: Annika Borg.
For many years, Guttorm Nordø has contributed works in several art forms. As a visual artist, he is known for his characteristic figurative style, such as his ‘pictograms’ with simple, expressive and distinctive figures. In his visualised expression, a link to rock art and its simplified style may also be detected. Nordø has provided Sildråpen kindergarten with his characteristic art in the shape of two human figures and a star, inserted into slates, resembling drawings on tarmac. The children can see lines, colours, and materials at close range, or view the overall picture by moving further away. Stones to sit on have been set up nearby. In addition, the artwork project at Sildråpen kindergarten consists of two stone monuments, each 135 cm high and decorated with painted figures resembling birds and animals, as well as two large stones on the ground, each with a sandblasted drawing.