Art - Brattørkaia

Artists: Jakob Dahlgren. Title: ‘The world as site and object’ 2015 Ole Rosén, Mari Røysamb. Title: ‘Ørekonkylie’ 2015. Art consultants: Edith Lundebrekke, Lisa Stålspets, Sune Nordgren.
Jakob Dahlgren’s installation mirrors its surroundings, encapsulating visual impressions from buildings, people, the fjord and the sky. The mirrors are mounted on traffic posts measuring 4.5 metres each, at different angles. The surroundings are reflected in new, unusual ways, inspiring passers-by to look at what they perceive as reality with a newfound curiosity. Perhaps things are not what they seem after all? Together, the 16 posts and 20 double-sided mirrors create an open outdoor space measuring 4.3 x 4.3 metres. People can enter and exit the “mirror cabinet” from all different angles, and constantly receive different impressions of what the world really looks like.
The sound of the sea, from a slight murmur to a great storm, is the theme for Ole Rosén and Mari Røysamb’s collaboration, the surrealistic sculpture ‘Ørekonkylie’. Humans have forever tried to hear the secrets of the sea inside the conch, which is regarded a poetic symbol of the relationship between man and the sea. The conch is admired and valued as a natural aesthetic object, and many of them have been brought back home from exotic sea travels, even to Trondheim harbour. Anyone who has ever been gifted a conch has held it up to their ear and heard the sound of the sea. In this large-scale figurative bronze sculpture, the opposite is also true; the conch has its own ear so it can listen to what the humans say.