Art - Erich Christian Dahl

Artist: Jens Munthe Svendsen 1908. 
Erich Christian Dahl (1814–1882) started a brewery in the old "Sukkerhuset" (originally a sugar refinery) on Erling Skakkes gate in 1856. He eventually acquired substantial wealth and gained great influence in the town and in the region. He willed a substantial portion of his fortune to charity, including a maternity ward that was named after him. In 1908, E. C. Dahl’s Stiftelse (foundation - a maternity ward) was completed, and the same year the bust of Dahl was unveiled in the park in front of the main entrance. It features clear lines in the art nouveau style. Today, the building is amongst other things home to Trøndelag Senter for Samtidskunst (Trøndelag Centre for Contemporary Art).