Art - Peter Wessel Tordenskiold

Artist: Johanne Kajanus (Sakonnsky) (1975). 
Tordenskiold, which portrays the maritime commander and hero of the same name from the Norwegian-Danish era), was designed in plaster by Johanne Kajanus (Sakonnsky) in 1952. In 1975, it was cast in bronze and placed in a fountain in the open yard of Ringve Museum. Johanne Kajanus also made sculptures for the Cathedral, but these perished in the fire in the Archbishop's Palace in 1983. Her sculpture Mor og barn (Mother and Child), which she made in gratitude to the doctor Christian Brodtkorb for saving her daughter’s life at birth, can still be seen at the E. C. Dahl's Foundation Building (for many years the maternity ward in Trondheim). The sculpture received a bronze medal at the World Exhibition in Paris in 1937.