Art - Monument in Memory of the Efforts of Athletes during World War II

Artist: Odd Hilt 1954.
During the German occupation from 1940 to 1945 many young athletes joined the resistance movement. This memorial was raised by athletes and students in honour of their fallen comrades. The memorial consists of ten reliefs presenting youth in various sporting activities. The original intention was to place the monument at one of the sports facilities in Trondheim. Between 1945 and 1951, Odd Hilt made small and large sculptures for the west front of Nidaros Cathedral, around 50 in all. Hilt, who had been incarcerated in Falstad Prison during the war, worked on this sculpture from 1948 to 1953. He characteristically worked in a figurative language, but with simplification to large overarching lines and clean simple forms. The inscription reads: "In memory of fallen sports comrades who gave their lives for their fatherland during the war 1940–1945. Erected by sports clubs for young people and students in Trondheim and neighbouring areas."