
This privacy statement describes how Trondheim Municipality collects and uses information about the users of its various webpages and other digital services.

Collection of Usage Statistics

Trondheim Municipality uses the analytical tool Siteimprove to collect information about visitors to The purpose of this data is to gather statistics that is used to improve the quality of our digital offerings.
Examples of the kind of statistics collected are: Number of visits to individual pages, duration of visit, where the users came from and what browser is used.
All data are anonymized and cannot be traced back to individual users. The IP-masking feature of Siteimprove is used to ensure this (this deletes the entire IP address).


Cookies are small text files that may be stored on your device whenever you load a web page, such as Trondheim Municipality does not use Cookies to generate statistics other than that mentioned in the previous section. Trondheim Municipality cannot trace your use of the web page back to you as an individual.

Secure Pages

Trondheim Municipality uses HTTPS to secure its webpages from unauthorized use. HTTPS ensures that any communication between your client and the server is kept private and secure.


Should you have any questions about this privacy statement, please contact us via email.

Questions about Statistics

General inquiries about Privacy and Security