Kunst - Monument over Knut Olai Thornæs

Kunstner: Odd Hilt (1955). 
Knut Olai Thornæs (1874–1945) came to Trondheim as a young typesetter, eventually becoming the editor of the newspaper Ny Tid (New Era). He was also for several years a member of the city council and the city executive board. He composed music and wrote workers' songs and choir works. On the back side on the sculpture, a young woman (one of the muses) sits with a musical instrument. The sculpture has also been called Frem mot vold og barbari (Forward against Violence and Barbarians), reflecting a line in the Norwegian Communist song Frem kamerater (Forward, Comrades!). The artist was a Communist, and his political commitment appears in many of his works. The sculpture was unveiled on 5 May 1955, the local Music and Song Day.